The Tamil Nadu Film Distributors’ Association has decided to ban actor Vishal’s films in future till such time when the actor settles all the pending dues to many distributors.
The Distributors’ Association held a meeting a couple of days back which was attended by all its members. It was decided at the meeting to ‘ban’ Vishal’s films till his home production, G.K. Film Corporation, settled all the remaining dues to the many film distributors who had bought films from it in the past and released them all over Tamil Nadu.The resolution, unanimously adopted at the meeting, said: “G.K. Film Corporation, owned by actor Vishal’s family, has to pay huge sums to many distributors across the whole of Tamil Nadu. Despite many verbal remainders, these sums haven’t yet been paid up by the Company.
“It has, therefore, been decided that until all the above-said dues are settled to the satisfaction of the distributors, the Association won’t be cooperating with Vishal’s films and would be banning his films by boycotting them and not taking up the distribution work.”
Balaji, president of the association, Joseph Francis, the secretary and ‘Ananda’ L. Suresh and many other producers took part in the meeting.