Arulnidhi, grandson of chief minister Kalaignar and son of Tamizharasu, recently debuted in Tamil films as a hero with ‘Vamsam’, directed by Pandiraj of ‘Pasanga’ fame. The film has surprised many trade pundits and has been doing reasonably well in almost all the centres, thanks to a hassle-free screenplay and treatment by Pandiraj.
Sunaina, the glamour girl of ‘Kaadhalil Vizhundhaen’ and ‘Maasilamani’, had starred in the film as Arulnidhi’s heroine in a deglamourized avatar. In fact, the had appeared in the entire film in the typical Tamil costume of paavadai-dhaavani. Apparently encouraged by the support he got from Sunaina during the making of the fame, Arulnidhi is said to have gifted Sunaina a ‘diamond necklace’.Arulnidhi was reportedly very tense and excited during the shooting of the film and was pacified and put at peace by the many ‘consoling words’ of co-star Sunaina who also offered him many ‘tips’ as to how to tackle the ‘first-film’ blues. Sunaina, a good dancer, reportedly helped Arulnidhi a lot during the filming of dance sequences by liberally offering him help.
Apparently moved by Sunaina’s help and the film’s result at the box-office, Arulnidhi recently met Sunaina and gifted her with a diamond necklace, which floored the actress who least expected it.
Kalaignar, who too was mighty impressed with his grandson’s performance in the film, recently presented Arulnidhi a golden wrist-watch!
Keep up the good work, Arulnidhi!