Actress Khushboo, who recently joined the ruling DMK in the State, took part in her first public meeting when she joined the birthday celebrations of Kalaignar held last Thursday. In her maiden political speech, the bubbly actress is said to have taken ‘potshots’ at the AIADMK supremo.
The actress has gone on record stating that if her party wanted, she was ready to ‘oppose’ the former chief-minister in an electoral battle. In her speech last week, the actress criticized the stance taken by the former chief minister ‘never to step into the corridors of the new assembly building’ built by Kalaignar, which was inaugurated by Sonia Gandhi, chairperson of UPA.She also said that she understood the ‘value’ of Kalaignar as an Amma (mother) but regretted that AIADMK’s Amma failed to realize the same. She lauded Kalaignar for enacting law that made women party to their parents’ properties way back in 1989. She also detailed Kalaignar’s contribution in ensuring 33% reservation for women in all State Assemblies and the Lok Sabha.
Concluding, Khushboo said that Kalaignar stood out among other politicians who only thought of the ‘next election’ by thinking about and acting for the ‘next generation’.