Actor Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s father S A Chandrasekar while addressing to the press recently said “People give a lot of support and welcome Vijay’s film. I thank god for giving Vijay as my son”.
It was also said about Vijay entering in to politics. Vijay fans association is struggling extremely well throughout Tamil Nadu and the basement for Vijay’s entry into politics has been laid.ere is no alternate to stop Vijay from entering politics.On speaking about Vijay’s film ‘Naan Sigappu Manithan’, S A Chandrasekar said “I have planned to produce and remake the film ‘Naan Sigappu Manithan’ which was directed by me previously. Vijay will be playing the lead role in the film. I have also plans of giving chances for young future heroes under my production. I have also plans for remaking my old movie and deliver it to the taste of today’s audience.”
Let’s see will Vijay add one more success to his list with this film or not. There is also a buzz that we can expect a lot of political touch with this proposed project.