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I Should Take To Writing My Own Horoscopes-Genelia

I'm somewhat of a non-believer in everything superstitious and proudly so! You'll never find me freaking out if a cat crosses my path or if I happen to walk under a ladder. Does breaking a mirror really bring seven years of bad luck? And if a bird flings its excretions on you, is it really your lucky day? These superstitions, contrary to what some friends try to grill into me, are creations of ancient circumstances and in all probability 'old wives' tales'. The one thing that baffles me is people's fascination with horoscopes! I know people who rush to get the newspaper first thing every morning and feast on every word that makes up their horoscope. Their excitement is infectious and so today I've decided to give my own forecast a shot!

For all you know, I might end up a convert - a horoscope-maniac! I'm a proud Leo (my birthday falls on August 5) - let's see what's in store for me today. It says, "Attending a party will be fun. You'll make god use of your skills at work. Those looking for love won't be disappointed." Whoa! A party, good job at work and a chance at love - NOT A BAD HOROSCOPE! I'm excited - daydreaming of whether I'll need to shop for this 'forthcoming' party, the director ecstatic and yelling, "That was a mind-blowing shot, Gen!" and a mysterious, tall, dark and handsome stranger... and all these things just waiting to happen! But will they really? I sift through other newspapers to find more horoscopes.

This one says, "You are energetic and optimistic today. Romantically it is a lucky day." Another one alluding to love, romance and all things beautiful. Maybe there's truth in these horoscopes after all. Another reads: "Remain focussed on your goals; a tough day ahead in terms of work. Keep a cool head if things don't go your way." What? This can't be true. I'm supposed to have a good day at work.

Horoscopes are like snow-flakes, no two are alike! But what if one of them is true? Should I call in sick and stay in bed? Or should I rise up to the horror-scope challenge and make sure my day is exactly how I want it to be? Of course I accept the challenge Mr. Crappy Forecast - we'll see who wins! Maybe I should take to writing my own horoscopes and working hard to make them come true!

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