Three days after the release of Abhishek Bachchan starrer Raavan, his father, actor Amitabh Bachchan, has lamented that editing glitches ruined his son's performance, even as some of the key players of the film have come to the defense of director Mani Ratnam. The much-hyped film, starring Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan opposite Abhishek, opened to mixed reviews.
Abhishek's role as Beera, the volatile anti-hero, was panned by many critics. Amitabh tweeted that the “sad” editing ruined Abhishek's role, but Raavan's other star Vikram and cinematographer Santosh Sivan have spoken out against Amitabh's comments. “Lot of merited film edited out, causing inconsistent performance and narrative. Abhishek's erratic behavior was due to symbolic 10 heads visually appearing and each giving him different attitudes to adopt for a situation, he would then finally shake them off and decide.“It's sad; in the edit you only see the after-effect of that thinking process, hence inconsistent. In the edit, all the visual heads got cut and you see a confused Beera expression and wonder why? [sic],” tweeted Amitabh. Sivan, who received universal praise for his camera work in Raavan said the director's prerogative cannot be questioned by anyone.
Vikram, who received good reviews for his role as Veeraiyya in Raavanan, the same character as Abhishek's in the Hindi version, said the audience was the ultimate judge. Amitabh, who tweeted for a second time during the day, accused the media of misinterpreting his statement as an affront to Ratnam.