Popular South Indian character actor, villain and yesteryear hero Manoj K. Jayan, who had been given temporary custody of his daughter Kunjatta at the time of divorce from actress Urvashi, has appeared before the Kerala High Court on Wednesday in connection with a contempt of court case filed by Urvashi.
Urvashi had requested the custody of Kunjatta for three days during Attukal Ponkala in February, but Manoj did not concede, prompting Urvashi to file the case. Manoj appeared before the court accompanied by his daughter.
The Chief Justice talked to them in his chamber and Manoj expressed his willingness to hand over the child.
Following this, the court directed the counsel of Urvashi to fix a convenient day. The case will come up for consideration on March 29. It is noteworthy that Manoj K. Jayan, who divorced Urvashi two years ago, recently married a Varkkala native Asha.
-By Galatta