Popular South Indian actress Ramya Spandana was banned for one year by the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce (KFCC) in the midst of disputes between the actress and producer A. Ganesh over her absence from the promotional programmes of his forthcoming film Dandam Dashagunam (starring Ramya) and repayment of a loan of Rs. 9 lakhs that the producer borrowed from the actress to complete the film.
Notably, A. Ganesh is the General Secretary of KFCC. Reportedly, the actress kept away from the promotional events because the producer delayed in repaying the loan amount for more than eight months. Reacting to the ban, Ramya said that it makes no sense in banning her when she has herself decided to quit films.
Notably, the actress had announced earlier that she would quit films, following criticism over her refusal to attend the audio launch of Dandam Dashagunam. Asked about the money that the producer borrowed, she said that since eight months he has been dodging her for the loan she got from her friend. Meanwhile, producer Munirathna defended Ramya in a TV show on Wednesday, saying that not all producers support the ban.
-By Galatta