‘Vinnaithandi Vaaruvaaya’ was a smashing hit in Tamil. The film was directed by Gautham Menon with Simbu and Trisha in the lead. Now the National Award winning director is all set to make another hit with the Hindi version of VTV. The film will get on the floors on April 4, say reports. Right from his first film ‘Minnale,’ Gautham has been receiving offers from producers for Hindi remakes of all most all his films.
Apart from a good script another winning streak in all Gautham films are the songs. Be it Rehman or Harris, most of the songs in all his films have been chartbusters in the south. Then the directot came out with an out and out psychological thriller film ‘Nadunisi Naigal’ with Sameera Reddy in the lead. Sans any songs, because of a very fast paced and thrilling story the film received mixed reviews from critics.
The director has roped in Prateik Babbar, son of late actress Smita Patel and actor- politician Raj Babbar, for the lead role and Amy Jackson will play the female lead. The shoot for this film which was supposed to have begun already was delayed because the hero of the film being tied up with Aamir’s ‘Dhobi Ghat’, suggest reports. Now we also hear that Ms. Jackson who made her debut appearance in ‘Madarasapattinam’ opposite Arya is learning her Hindi lessons for getting the language right for the film. The music for this Hindi remake too will be authored by A.R. Rahman.
So we can expect some great fireworks on screen with splendid music and great locations, yet again for the Hindi VTV. We will get back with more latest updates only on Indiaglitz.com!