Young Tiger NT Rama Rao is going to be the latest addition into the Tamil film industry. It may be mentioned here that some of films of the young heroes, including Nagarjuna, Allu Arjun, Ram Charan Teja, Arjun and others were either dubbed or remade into Tamil and they were able to gather good fan following in Tamil Nadu.
Presently, NTR’s latest film, ‘Shakti’ directed by Meher Ramesh and produced by C Aswinidutt on the banner of Vyjayanti Movies is getting ready with a whopping budget of Rs 45 crores.
The producer is of the opinion that the film with socio-fantasy backdrop would not only appeal to the Telugu audiences but also the Tamil audiences.
The film is slated for release on March 30 and the shooting of the film is almost nearing completion and the post-production works are also going on simultaneously.
So, Aswinidutt is planning to dub the film in Tamil and release the Tamil version at the same time in order to recover the huge budget involved in film-making. Three films Shakti, Theen Maar, I love you Mahalakshmi are slated for release by the end of March.
So, it is not that easy to come to a conclusion as to who would emerge a winner. So, Aswinidutt is planning to release the film in two languages and recover his investment as much as possible.