For Bollywood, any publicity is good publicity. After Yana Gupta shocked the nation with her ‘no-panty’ show, B-town chick Neetu Chandra has followed suit. Craving for publicity, the starlet recently did a Yana act and went commando to an event.
Given that after Yana became a nationwide sensation post her shady act, Neetu too decided to do the same. Sources state that Neetu’s act was “intentional and she might have followed Yana, after seeing what she achieved doing the same.”Apparently, Neetu’s publicist have denied the bold act of the actress and said, “Neetu Chandra is a girl with dignity and there has been no slip like this.”
Neetu’s publicist fumed at such uncalled reports and is planning to sue the root of this gossip, “Neetu does not need to resort to any such thing for publicity. In fact, she was planning to initiate legal action on the website and was in the process of approaching the National Commission of Women (NCW) in New Delhi, when the site tendered an unconditional apology for the news. So the matter stands closed.”