Tamil film superstar Rajinikanth’s younger daughter Soundarya on Friday tied the knot with Ashwin, a city-based entrepreneur at a high profile ceremony here.
Rajinikanth, in a message to his fans, said though he wanted to invite all of them to the marriage, he was unable to do so because of space constraint and logistic reasons."Hence, with a heavy heart, I took a decision not to invite you. But I request you all to bless the couple," the superstar said.
The wedding was attended by high-profile people like the Union home minister, Mr P. Chidambaram, Telegu star and Praja Rajyam President, Mr Cheeranjeevi, Kamal Haasan and actor Surya with wife Jyothika among other big names.
Bollywood actor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, who will be seen with Rajinikanth in mega-budget ’Robot’, attended the engagement on Thursday night along with husband Abhishek Bachchan.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, Mr M. Karunanidhi, and a host of other high profile guests are expected to attend Soundarya’s wedding reception this evening.
Rajini himself supervised all the arrangements for the wedding. According to reports, the actor has gifted a brand new apartment to Soundarya, who is the CEO of Ochre Productions.
Soundarya’s animation film ’Sultan The Warrior’, starring the superstar, is set for release this year. Rajini has lent his voice to the lead character in the project, with music by A.R. Rahman.