The city saw the lavish wedding of Tamil superstar Rajinikanth's younger daughter Soundarya with Chennai-based realtor Ashwin Ramkumar on Sep 4, 2010.
Now Just a week after the marriage, Superstar Rajinikanth visited the Thirupathi Temple with his family members on Thursday(Sep 9, 2010) to thank the God for the happy marriage of his daughter. The actor's wife Lata, the newly wed couple Soundarya and Ashwin along with Rajini visited the temple of Lord Venkateswara and offered their prayers.The devotees who saw Rajinikanth greeted him shouting 'Long Live Super Star' and 'Robo Robo’.
The family had a special Dharshan at Thirupathi temple and came back to Chennai immediately.
The superstar after the Dharshan said, "I came with my family to thank the Lord for the happy marriage of my second daughter. I also prayed to Venkateshwara for the success of 'Endhiran' which is releasing this month."
Rajini earlier visited the Thirupathi Temple on February 2008 with his family members(Latha, Soundarya, Aishwarya and Dhanush) to perform the torsuring ceremony of his grand son Yathra.