Asin Thottumkal shocked her best friend Sridevi when she declined a plum offer made by the latter's husband, filmmaker Boney Kapoor. In Bollywood, Sridevi and Boney are like Asin's Godparents, because when she was alone in the city and living in their building, the couple really took care of her.
We have seen Sridevi sending home-cooked food for Asin and also constantly checking if she needed any help in Mumbai. So, when Boney approached Asin with the film, he never expected to hear a no. The industry grapevine is also buzzing with gossip that this decision might hamper the relationship that Asin and Sridevi share.A friend of the actress said, "Asin starts shooting for a South film whose working title is Bodyguard and then she has the second schedule for Bhushan Kumar's Ready to shoot. She also has two more Bollywood offers that are hush-hush. Asin doesn't really have any time right now till next year to sign up for another film. She likes to complete one project at a time. Unfortunately, Boney's offer came at a time when she had already reserved her dates for other films. She had to politely say a no to him."
Asin had to also say no to filmmaker Vipul Shah as well for the same reason. And there are other offers that she could not accept because her endorsements have gone up. "Fingers are crossed that her decisions don't cost her dearly," said the source. "She has been shooting in Sri Lanka and down South, so she hasn't got the chance to gel with Sridevi and Boney. That might also be adding fuel to the fire." Asin could not be contacted for a comment. Sridevi too remained elusive.