Poes Garden to Boat club changed his daily routine of his regular hangout from Radhakrishnan Salai to Adayar.
It was this fine day when Rajini was out in his favorite hangout with all the lights switched off (that’s to hide his presence) when a bunch of school kids barged in!BEER please! Is what they ordered and Rajini, infuriated by the kids behavior got all the lights switched on and put them on a pleasant shocking surprise… and what could have happened next? Obviously, all of them were submerged in tantamount happiness and swore that this was the greatest day of their lives..
Reel hero did prove himself for real as well! Beating a little on the activities of the kids around, Rajini ensured that they had enough to learn for the rest of their lives and put a cautionary note advising them to concentrate on work and career rather than just partying around.
Abounded with joy, the kids had no words to utter except pose around for photographs with their favorite star individually..
Where is my party tonight?