Hyderabad Police have decided to investigate the actor and actress who involved in drug cases. Telugu Artist union has shown objection to do so.
The Telugu Artist Head Muralimohan said that “Artists doesn’t have any link with the Drug groups, and this issue is being raised by the Police to bring down their images”. Hyderabad Police commissioner Mr. A K Khan said the, “that all the artists of Telugu Industry has not involved in it and few of them have involved and records are there for us”.In case of any such enquires, the Telugu Artist Union has decided to abide with the law and justice. With regard to this matter Telugu cine world is in great shock. Everyone is scared about the list of probable. In such situation Trisha’s cell number was found in the person’s mobile one who got arrested. Hence the Police are in move to enquire Trisha.
Trisha said :-
”The police have come to know that it was not my number in an enquiry. The rumors are wide spread stating that the number was mine. I have sent a notice and also spoke to the Hyderabad Police Commissioner Mr. Khan stating these rumors and all such things are a lie. I am also spoken with my advocate to take legal action with regard to this problem”