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Pamela Anderson To Help Save America`s Bird Population With Twitter


Pamela Anderson has urged her Twitter followers to help save America`s bird population following the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

A massive oil leak from the exploded Deepwater Horizon Rig near the Gulf Coast hit the headlines last month (Apr10), and despite desperate efforts to stem the flow of leaking oil, it has washed ashore in states including Louisiana and Florida.

And there are fears that the spill will completely devastate the areas` wildlife.

In a bid to back the International Bird Rescue Research Centre’s (IBRRC) efforts to raise money and help creatures caught in the spill area, the former Playboy bombshell has resorted to Twitter.

"Please support International Bird Rescue`s ongoing rescue work by donating, becoming a member or adopting a bird,” the Daily Express quoted her as saying in a post on her Twitter.com page.

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