Shriya has started tweeting officially, after an imposter, posing as the celebrity actress, made life difficult for her. Says an exasperated Shriya, “This person who was using my name and photograph to post tweets made them look like they had been posted by me. He was virtually a stalker as he was constantly monitoring my movements, which, after a point, got me scared.”
The impostor, the actress says, seemed to know every moment of hers and was constantly tailing her. And to make it as authentic as possible, he even uploaded pictures of any public function she attended immediately on the micro-blogging site.However, what made it scarier for Shriya was that the faker started invading her privacy and also posted a few of his thoughts as hers! This created quite a few problems for the actress, as even her own friends thought that it was she who was making those statements through that particular site.
Finally, a close friend came to Shriya’s rescue and asked her to start her own account and start tweeting. This, the actress thought, was perhaps the best way to beat the counterfeiter at his own game, as it would be difficult to stop such fakes legally. Says a relieved Shriya, “Now, I’m glad that I have started my own account and have a real ID. I hope this will stop the stalker from misusing my name.”