The sexy star from Bollywood, Neetu Chandra is all set to be paired opposite Ajith. After debuting in Yaavarum Nalam opposite Madhavan, she handled a challenging role in Theeratha Vilayattu Pillai opposite Vishal with ease.
Then, she performed for a single song with director Ameer in Mysskin’s forthcoming Yuddham Sei. And now she has grabbed the opportunity to play the female lead in Venkat Prabhu’s film with Ajith and Nagarjuna, titled Mangaatha.According to the sexy star, she got a call from Venkat Prabhu’s office a month ago about casting her in a film opposite Ajith. She was quite excited about the offer and decided to go ahead. The shooting will begin in August.
Mangaatha happens to be Ajith 50th film and Neetu says she’s quite lucky to land this offer. Interestingly, Neetu was supposed to play Nagarjuna’s heroine in a Telugu film, which didn’t take off.