This has kindled the controversies in Kollywood now. Even at times when most of the filmmaker don’t afford to settle the fully account of remuneration for their actors and technicians, Manirathnam stands out as a prodigious personality for his punctuality and disciplined nature.
But now, the filmmaker seems to have disappointed his actor Vikram, who did a marvelous job saving ‘Raavanan’ from sinking at least.So, what’s the buzz all about? We hear that the actor was signed for this film to be paid with a good salary of Rs. 4Crores and hasn’t settled Rs.1C now.
However, Vikram has been reported about keeping quiet as he doesn’t want to go ahead. Maybe, this is a rumor, but it has to be taken into regard that Manirathnam is the greatest and genuine personality for having taken care of his technicians, artists and associates with good payment.