The cast and crew of ‘Manmadhan Ambu’, directed by K. S. Ravikumar and starring Kamal Haasan, Madhavan, Trisha and Sangeetha in lead roles, have jus returned from their long shooting schedule in a luxury cruise floating in the waters of Mediterranean Sea off Spain in Europe.
Some time back, there were reports that Trisha got ‘lost’ in the luxury cruise and was only ‘spotted’ by the crew members after a hectic search for her lasting more than a couple of hours. Reports also said that Trisha’s good-looking mother Uma Krishnan has agreed to play a small role in the film, probably at the behest of ‘Ulaganayagan’ Kamal Haasan, who asked her to give acting a ‘try’.What about the story of the film? From ‘secret’ sources, we did manage to have a sniff at the script which goes like this: the title has two names of the characters in the film. One of them is Madanagopal (played by Madhavan) and the other is Ambujam (played by our own Trisha). Madhavan and Trisha play a married couple in the film with Maddy doubting his wife’s (Trisha) integrity and character.
Madanagopal seeks the help of a private detective (Kamal Haasan) asking him to tail his beautiful wife to find out whether she is cheating on him or not. In order to help out his client, the detective goes after his wife to check out her everyday activities. Actress Sangeetha, in a major breakthrough in her career, reportedly plays Kamal’s wife but the script is said to have more sequences involving Kamal and Trisha together on screen.
The duo even sings duet for an ‘imaginary’ sequence. Kamal is said to have sung for himself in the film, as he has done in innumerable number of his films earlier. The sources even revealed that in the climax, Madhavan and Trisha re-unite happily!
Wait for some months to check the version!