Santosh Sivan, who has been described as the “real hero of Raavan” due to his stunning cinematography, has moved on and started work on a new film as director. It’ll be a bilingual and a period drama in Malayalam and Tamil with a working title — Urumi (a flexible sword) — and will star Prithviraj and the hot and happening Genelia.
Says Santosh, in an exclusive interview, “Yes I’m making a film titled Urumi with Prithvi and Genelia. The rest of the cast is yet to be finalised. Urumi is the 8-ft long flexible sword that has been used in Kalari fights for a long time.Sankar Ramakrishnan, who had directed the promising short film Island Express in the Kerala Cafe anthology, is writing the script. The film, a bilingual, is set in the 15th century and will be made for the international audiences.”