Movies like Jurassic Park, Predator and Avatar made history because of their out-of-the-box theme and realistic portrayal of fictitious characters or extinct animal forms. The animatronix technology used in these movies surpassed all expectations, with Avatar outdoing the other two by a huge margin.
One of the studios behind this very elaborate animatronix process is Stan Wisdom Studios. And now we hear that it’s the very same company that has created the robot-avatar of our Super Star in Enthiran!A robot modelled on Rajinikanth right from his skin tone has been created for director Shankar’s Enthiran by Stan Wisdon Studios, besides many other such electronic wonders that we will find in the movie.
Technicians at the studio have supposedly remarked that even in Hollywood they have not worked on a movie that has given scope for them to use every bit of the technology they have, as has Enthiran! Tamil Cinema, has indeed come a long way in terms of technology and we sure do hope that the movie is worth the wait and the crores!