Surya’s ‘Raktha Charithra’ is awaiting release and the Ram Gopal Varma film portrays Surya in a stunning character. Amitabh Bachchan who has seen a few scenes of the film was awestruck with the performance and screen presence of the South Indian Superstar Surya.
Amitabh Bachchan then went on to send a message to Surya to laud his acting in ‘Rattha Charithra’. Surya has gone ecstatic when he received the message from Big B. Surya also finds Amitabh Bachchan nice enough to send a message to him even when is being a man of such high stature.Surya always wanted to act in a Ram Gopal Varma film and the film will be released in three languages Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. Meanwhile, the film faces flak from the South Indian Film Industry since Vivek Oberoi visited Sri Lanka.
Surya’s self-centered approach, though being a Tamilian hailing from the Kongu land, to release the film at any cost also suggests that both Surya and Rattha Charithra will come under the scanner of the Tamil Film Industry.
Surya could have broken middle grounds and could have made responsible statements instead of saying, “Everything is over and nothing can be done about it now,” when talking about the ethnic conflict. Surya had better not betrayed his own Tamils and his motherland to achieve success in Bollywood.