Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has always been known to strike up a very special bond with all her directors’ wives. The latest person she’s gotten close to is none other than Suhasini Mani Ratnam. Says Aishwarya, “Both Abhishek and I are very close to Mani and Suhasini.
When we got married, Mani started calling me kanna. I would address Mani as Mani sir and his wife as Suhasini ma’am. But somewhere, as time passed, the walls dissolved. Today, our rapport is not about, what’s our next film, it’s about, what’s the next stage in our bonding?”Laughs Aishwarya, “Abhishek had a headstart in his rapport with Mani and his wife. But I can’t stop reminding him that I got to know Mani long before, when I did my first film Iruvar in Tamil with him. Today, I’m as close to both of them as Abhishek is.”
The cutest part of it is that both Abhishek and Aishwarya have their individual rapport with Mani and his wife. The latest we hear is that Suhasini Mani Ratnam will direct a feature film with Aishwarya. And the two ladies are just looking forward to leaving behind the men in their lives for a longish session on camera.