Myshkin, is all set to enter Bollywood, the world of Hindi films. The director, who is presently making ‘Yudhdham Sei’ starring director-actor Cheran in the lead, is reportedly gearing up to remake his successful movie Anjathey in Hindi. He might start this venture soon after finishing Cheran’s film.
The preparatory work in connection with the remake of ‘Anjathey’ in Hidni has begun in right earnest. The name of the Bollywood hero to feature in the role played by Naren in Tamil has been kept as a secret.Meanwhile, there is a question mark about the advance he had received for a few Tamil films. The sources close to the director say that there won’t be any problem, as Mishkin had clearly told all the producers that he would take his own time in launching these films.
Since the producers had paid him after agreeing to his condition, Myshkin need not face any problem from any of his producers, the sources add.