Kamal Haasan while speaking in a function recently said that actors and actresses should rehearse before commencing the shooting. He did this rehearsal for his film Manmadha Ambu. The film which is directed by K S Ravi Kumar is being produced by Udhayanidhi Stalin.
The rehearsal took place in Kamal’s office. Trisha, Madhavan and Sangeetha also participated along with Kamal Haasan in this rehearsal.Actor Sathyaraj has supported Kamal’s view. While speaking at the press meet of the film Irandu Mugam, he said,” Kamal Haasan had said that before going for shooting, actors and actresses should rehearse.
This is a good matter. I have also felt this. Because after completing the film and seeing it in the theatre I have felt that I could have done this better. You can avoid this feeling if you rehearse. It has happened to me while acting in the film Amaidhi Padai.
Not only me, even other actors have experienced this. In stead of feeling after seeing the film, it is better to rehearse. Cinematographers, directors and screenplay writers should rehearse. It is enough we rehearse for one week for a film. Then the film will grow up in a good manner. The film which runs for four weeks will run for 50 days and the film which runs for 100 days will run for 25 weeks.”
Irandu Mugam is a film produced by K Vaithyalinga Udayar under the banner Udayar Studios. The film is directed by Aravind Raj.