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Endhiran Disappoint The Superstar Fans

Endhiran Celebration (19)

Fans from few countries including Dubai, Australia, Singapore & Malaysia are lucky enough to see the world’s first premiere of Super Star’s Endhiran and they have already started sharing their opinions about the movie in various social networking tools to their friends and followers. We also spoke to our sources / friends in these region and we heard one common verdict from every one who watched/watching the film “The Film is excellent and a Visual treat , but .. ”

Wondering what could be the rest of the sentence? It is “… Not the typical Rajini Film”. Endhiran / Robot seems to be an outright technical extravaganza and the visuals in the movie is on par with the Hollywood films which are used to be made about 5-10 times of Endhiran Budget.

The story line is perfect and will attract any type of audience irrespective of language barriers , as we used to see in Hollywood films. As a compromise to this, the film seems to miss the typical Rajini elements including the Mass introduction, Close-up shots and Strong Punch dialogs etc etc.

So this may little disappoint the typical Superstar fans somehow who has waited for 3 years and already shelved Rs. 300 – Rs. 100 from his pocket. But mind that it is the same Rajini fans who made Chadramukhi, a less technical excellent, but a decent storyline, an underplayed Rajini film a mega success. Let us hope the same to happen for Endhiran too. Good for Superstar & Tamil Cinema

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