Larissa Riquelme, a model who gained fame by displaying her body while supporting Paraguay during the football World Cup, has become the another victim of violence in Rio.Riquelme gained notoriety during the World Cup when she pledged to run naked through the streets of Asuncion if Paraguay won the tournament.
When Paraguay missed out on winning the cup, Riquelme then announced she would run naked after all as a "present" to the team’s players. She has not yet made good on the promise.
Yesterday (NZ time), Riquelme was in the news for the wrong reasons, when she, her boyfriend and a girlfriend were assaulted and robbed of a mobile phone, documents, passport and digital cameras.
The mobile phone is the version that Riquelme single-handedly gained a great deal of publicity for by the way she displayed when watching the World Cup.
The robbers are yet to be caught, but the model wrote in a Twitter: "I’m fine … I appreciate all the support! It’s been the scare."